
Dawn Patrol | Brandfilm.

Dawn Patrol is the #1 Apple Watch surf app in the App Store and enables you to track your surf, count your waves, know your top speed and measure the water time and distance surfed. It is loved within the surf community.

In 2019 we developed the concept for this brand film in collaboration with Dawn Patrol and towards the end of 2019, Marnix, Marco and Kevin joined Dawn Patrol in the northern part of Spain to film the commercial. Our goal? Visualize the vision of Dawn Patrol and communicate the feeling surfing evokes.

With specials thanks to the entire Dawn Patrol team, Nienke Duinmeijer and James Price for making this possible.

When we film, everything disappears. But the memory will always be there. Enjoy and see you at the next chapter.

release date:



Marnix van Oudheusden


Marnix van Oudheusden & Dawn Patrol


Marnix van Oudheusden


Marco Espinosa

Montage & Grading:

Marnix van Oudheusden


Nienke Duinmeijer and James Price


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

fb. tw. ig.